Who's Who in
Business Academia

    Geneviève Brisson

  • Professor
  • Geneviève Brisson
  • Department of Companies, Territories and Development
  • https://www.uqar.ca/universite/a-propos-de-l-uqar/departemen...
  • Université du Québec à Rimouski
  • 300 Allée des Ursulines
    Rimouski, Quebec G5L 3A1
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Environmental anthropology
    Environmental health in rural and remote areas
    Qualitative methodology
    Knowledge transfer
    Environmental changes (economic or agricultural projects, disasters, etc.)
    Risks and social impacts (perceptions, representations, management, public policies)
    Environmental assessment and participation of civil society
    Expert knowledge and citizen knowledge

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