Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

Vishal Gaur, Professor
Cornell University
Department of Operations Management

Jeffrey Gauthier, Assistant Professor
State University of New York College at Plattsburgh
Department of Management, Information Systems & Analytics

Melinda Gauthier, Adjunct Professor
Boise State University
Department of Management

Valérie Gauthier, Lecturer
Laval University
Department of Management

Anders Gautvik-Minker, Lecturer
BI Norwegian Business School
Department of Leadership and Organisational Management

Giovanni Gavetti, Associate Professor
Dartmouth College
Department of Strategy & Management

Jose Gavidia, Associate Professor
College of Charleston
Management and Entrepreneurship

Joanne H Gavin, Professor
Marist College
School of Management

Mihajla Gavin, Lecturer
University of Technology, Sydney
School of Management

Monica Gavino, Professor
San Jose State University
Organization and Management

Nagesh Gavirneni, Professor
Cornell University
Johnson Graduate School of Management

Srinagesh Gavirneni, Assistant Professor
Cornell University
Department of Operations Management

Galini Gavrilidou, Assistant Professor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Department of Management

Igor Gavrilov, Adjunct Professor
Stevens Institute of Technology
Wesley J. Howe School of Technology Management

Vidita Gawade, Assistant Professor
New York Institute of Technology
School of Mnaagement


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