Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

Shammi Gandhi, Assistant Professor
University of Northern Colorado
Department of Management

Vikram S. Gandhi, Senior Lecturer
Harvard University
Department of General Management

Peter Gandhi Maniam, Lecturer
University of Southern Queensland
Department of Management and Organisational Behaviour

Franco Gandolfi, Professor
Azusa Pacific University
School of Business and Management

JUSTIN GANDY, Assistant Professor
Dallas Baptist University
College of Business

Rajani Ganesh-Pillai, Assistant Professor
North Dakota State University
Management, Marketing and Finance

Radha Ganeshkumar, Assistant Professor
Valliammai Engineering College
Department of Management Studies

HeyIn Gang, Assistant Professor
Saginaw Valley State University
Department of Management & Marketing

KwangWook Gang, Assistant Professor
Salisbury University
Management and Marketing

Karen Gangloff, Assistant Professor
University of Missouri-Columbia
Department of Management

Ina Ganguli, Associate Professor
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Department of Management

Vidya Ganji, Assistant Professor
Idaho State University
Department of Management

Becky B Gann, Visiting Lecturer
University of Tampa
Department of Management

Jim Gann, Adjunct Professor
University of Missouri-Columbia
Department of Management

Dan Ganster, Professor
Colorado State University
Management Department


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