Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

Emma Fleck, Associate Professor
Susquehanna University
Department of Management

Elgar Fleisch, Professor
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Department of Management, Technology, and Economics

Adam Fleischhacker, Assistant Professor
University of Delaware
Department of Business Administration

Marka Binta Fleming, Associate Professor
North Carolina A & T State University
Department of Management

Peter Fleming, Professor
University of Technology, Sydney
School of Management

Quentin Fleming, Lecturer
University of Southern California
Department of Management & Organization

Robert S. Fleming, Professor
Rowan University
Department of Management and Entrepreneurship

Kevin Fletcher, Assistant Professor
The Sage Colleges
School of Management

Kevin Fletcher, Professor
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
The Lally School of Management and Technology

Nicholas Fletcher, Assistant Professor
Morgan State University
School of Business and Management

Shannon Fletcher, Instructor
University of Washington
Management and Organization

Richard Flight, Associate Professor
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Department of Management and Marketing Department

Carol Flinchbaugh, Assistant Professor
New Mexico State University
Management & General Business

David Flint, Associate Professor
Texas A&M University - College Station
Department of Management

Jacalyn Flom, Lecturer
University of Toledo
Department of Management


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