Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

Gerald Ferris, Professor
Florida State University
Department of Management

John Ferris, Professor
University of Massachusetts at Boston
College of Management

Kathleen Ferris-Costa, Assistant Professor
Bridgewater State University
Department of Management

LOUIS FERRO, Senior Instructor
Mercy College
School of Business

Luz Marina Ferro Cortes, Professor
Universidad de los Andes Merida
School of Management

Diane L. Ferry, Associate Professor
University of Delaware
Department of Business Administration

Joe Fetsch, Instructor
Auburn University
Department of Management

Margery Fetters, Associate Professor
North Central College
Department of Management and Marketing

Aurelio Fetz, Lecturer
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Department of Management, Technology, and Economics

Martin Feuer, Instructor
New York Institute of Technology
School of Mnaagement

Carl F. Fey, Professor
Aalto University
Department of Management Studies

Scott Feyereisen, Assistant Professor
Florida Atlantic University
Department of Management, International Business and Trade, and Entrepreneurship

Steven Fichera, Lecturer
North Carolina State University

Jonathan Fichman, Adjunct Professor
Florida International University
Department of Management & International Business

Dale Fickett, Instructor
University of Richmond
Department of Management System


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