Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

Kenneth Feifer, Instructor
New York Institute of Technology
School of Mnaagement

Daniel C. Feiler, Assistant Professor
Dartmouth College
Department of Strategy & Management

Ronald Feinberg, Professor
Stony Brook University
Department of Management

Susan Feinberg, Associate Professor
Temple University
Department of General and Strategic Management

Mitch Feinman, Adjunct Professor
University of Southern California
Department of Management & Organization

Greg Feldberg, Lecturer
Yale University
Yale School of Management

Meyer Feldberg, Emeritus Professor
Columbia University
Department Of Management

Kevin Feldt, Instructor
Miami University of Ohio

Yves-Martin Felker, Assistant Professor
California State University, Los Angeles
Department of Management

Carrie Fellows, Assistant Professor
State University of New York at Oswego
School of Business

Will Felps, Lecturer
University of New South Wales
School of Organisation and Management

David Felsen, Associate Professor
Alliant International University
Marshall Goldsmith School of Management

Daniel J. Feltes, Adjunct Instructor
University of Iowa
Department of Management and Organizations

Patricia Feltes, Associate Professor
Southwest Missouri State University
Department of Management

Vincent Feltkamp, Assistant Professor
Maastricht University
Maastricht School of Management


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