Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

Phil Fawcett, Visiting Instructor
Pacific Lutheran University
School of Business

Mohammad Mehdi Fazel Zarandi, Senior Lecturer
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sloan School of Management

Forough Zarea Fazlelahi, Lecturer
Queensland University of Technology
Department of Management

Alan Fazzari, Adjunct Professor
Monmouth University
Management and Marketing

Bridget E. Feagler, Adjunct Instructor
University of Iowa
Department of Management and Organizations

Zabrina Fears
Texas Tech University
Department of Management

Mauricio Featherman, Professor
Washington State University
Department of Management & Operations

Bonnie Fedchock, Instructor
Montana State University
College of Business

Jessica Federman, Assistant Professor
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Department of Management & Marketing

Janice Fedor, Associate Professor
Elms College
Division of Business

Shirley M Fedorovich, Associate Professor
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Department of Management, Marketing & Operations

Anthony Fee, Lecturer
University of Technology, Sydney
School of Management

Ross Feehan, Lecturer
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sloan School of Management

Justin Feeney, Associate Professor
Rhode Island College
Department of Management and Marketing

Rebecca Feferman, Lecturer
University of Texas at Austin


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