Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

Jo Ann Duffy, Professor
Sam Houston State University
Management and Marketing

Marie-Ève Dufour, Associate Professor
Laval University
Department of Management

Yvon Dufour, Associate Professor
Universite de Sherbrooke
Department of Management and Human Resources Management

Ronald L. Dufresne, Associate Professor
Saint Joseph's University
Department of Management & Information Systems

Mohinder Dugal, Associate Professor
Western Connecticut State University
Department of Management

Sanjiv Dugal, Professor
University of Rhode Island
Department of Management

Kranti Dugar, Visiting Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
Department of Management & Marketing

John Dugas, Lecturer
University of Newcastle, Australia
School of Business Management

Michelle M. Duguid, Associate Professor
Cornell University
Department of Management and Organizations

Helen DUH, Lecturer
University of the Western Cape
Department of Management

Irene M. Duhaime, Professor
Georgia State University
Department of Management

KAREN DUHALA, Assistant Professor
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Great Valley
Great Valley School of Graduate Professional Studies

David Duhon, Assoc. Prof. Of Management
University of Southern Mississippi
Department of Marketing & Management

P.Robert Duimering, Associate Professor
University of Waterloo
Department of Management science

Allison Duke, Professor
Lipscomb University
College of Business


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