Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

Nikki Drader, Research Assistant Professor
University of North Texas
Department of Management

Lisa Dragoni, Associate Professor
Wake Forest University
Bacock Graduate School of Management

Jonathan Drake, Assistant Professor
Creighton University
Department of Marketing & Management

Tammy Drake, Lecturer
California State University, Sacramento
Department of Management

​​Brian Drake, Professor
University of Houston, Downtown
College of Business

Rex Draman, Lecturer
Texas State University
McCoy College of Business/Department of Management

Rexford Draman, Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin, River Falls
College of Business and Economics

David Dranove, Professor
University of Western Ontario
Management & Strategy

DICK DRASS, Lecturer
Coastal Carolina University
Department of Management and Decision Sciences

George F. Dreher, Professor
Indiana University, Bloomington

David E. Drehmer, Associate Professor
DePaul University
Department of Management

Melissa Dreikosen, Lecturer
University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
Department of Management

Tricia Dressel, Professor
Gratz College
Department of Management

Daniel Dressman, Instructor
University of Cincinnati
Department of Management

Foley Drew, Professor
California State University, Northridge
Department of Management


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