Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

Ceasar Douglas, Assistant Professor
Florida State University
Department of Management

Emily Douglas, Lecturer
Ohio State University
Management & Human Resources

Fiona Douglas, Lecturer
Charles Sturt University
School of Marketing and Management

Matthew Douglas, Assistant Professor
Baylor University
Department of Management & Entrepreneurship

Megan Douglas, Assistant Professor
Missouri Southern State University
School of Buisness

MICHAEL DOUGLAS, Associate Professor
Millersville University of Pennsylvania
Department of Management & Marketing

Scott Douglas, Associate Professor
University of Montana
Department of Management

Thomas J. Douglas, Assistant Professor
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Department of Management and Marketing Department

Benjamin Dow, Professor
Southern Methodist University
Management & Organizations

Mark Dow, Professor
Lincoln University
Department of Business Management

George Dowdle, Instructor
Kettering University
School of Management

Cheryl Dowell, Professor
Algonquin College
Department of Marketing and Management

Cheryl Dowie, Assistant Professor
University of Houston, Downtown
College of Business

Thomas E Dowling, Professor
Oregon State University
Management, Marketing, and International Business

Kate Down, Adjunct Professor
Queensland University of Technology
School of Management


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