Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

Carol Dimopoulos, Assistant Professor
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania
Department of Business Management

Nikolaos Dimotakis, Associate Professor And William S. Spears Fellow In Business
Oklahoma State University

Parks Dimsdale
University of West Florida
Department of Marketing and Economics

Shahab Ud Din, Professor
Integral University
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Leslie Dinauer, Adjunct Lecturer
American University
Department of Management

Bing DING, Associate Professor
University of Science and Technology
Department of Management Science

Jie Ding, Associate Professor
Rider University
Department of Management Sciences

Shujun Ding, Associate Professor
University of Ottawa
The School of Management

Waverly Ding, Assistant Professor
University of Maryland, College Park
Management and Organization Department

Jennifer Dinger, Assistant Professor
Suffolk University
Department of Management

Greg Dingle, Lecturer
La Trobe University
Department of Management and Marketing

Chris Dinkel, Assistant Professor
Oklahoma State University

Richard N. Dino, Professor
University of Connecticut
Department of Management

Catalin C. Dinulescu, Assistant Professor
Tarleton State University
Department of Management

Joe DiNunzio, Visiting Assistant Professor
University of California, Davis
Graduate School of Management


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