Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

David F. Dieteman, Lecturer
Pennsylvania State University, Erie
Black School of Business

Eric Dieterle, Assistant Professor
Northern Arizona University

Judy G. Dietert, Lecturer
Texas State University-San Marcos
Department of Management

Helmut Dietl, Lecturer
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Department of Management, Technology, and Economics

Lindsey Dietschi, Adjunct Professor
New York University
Management Communication

Janis Camille Dietz, Instructor
Northern Arizona University

Lise Diez-Arguelles, Assistant Professor
Florida State University
Department of Management

William (Bill) Diffenderffer, Senior Lecturer
Ohio State University
Management & Human Resources

Richard DiGiacomo, Professor
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management

Lester Digman, Harold J. Laipply College Professor Of Management
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Department of Management

Pieter Van Dijk, Associate Professor
Monash University
Department of Management

Josette Dijkhuizen, Adjunct Professor
Maastricht University
Maastricht School of Management

Augustine Dike, Assistant Professor
Arizona State University
School of Business

Somtochukwu Dike, Assistant Professor
Francis Marion University
Department of Management

Stephan Dilchert, Associate Professor
CUNY Bernard M. Baruch College
Department of Management


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