Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

Jean Carl Denis, Lecturer
Université du Québec en Outaouais
Department of Administrative Sciences

Angelo DeNisi, Professor
Tulane University
Department of Management

Aleksander F. DENISOV, Associate Professor
Saint Petersburg State University
Faculty of Management

Borga Deniz, Assistant Professor
Framingham State College
Department of Management and Business & IT

Siena College
Department of Management

Emily Dennis, Visiting Lecturer
West Virginia University
Department of Management

Everette DENNIS, Professor
Fordham University
Department of Communications and Media Management

Sanford Dennis, Lecturer
Georgia College & State University
Department of Management

Anthony Denniston, Instructor
University of New Haven
Department of Management

Alex DeNoble, Emeritus Professor
San Diego State University

Joshua Israel Densingh, Assistant Professor
SRM university
School of Management

Diane L Denslow, Instructor
University of North Florida
Department of Management

Steven B. Denson, Adjunct Professor
Southern Methodist University
Management & Organizations

Iain L. Densten, Professor
Monash University Malaysia
Department of Management

L. Trey Denton, Professor
Georgia Southern University
Department of Management & Marketing


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