Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

Leemore Sharon Dafny, Assistant Professor
University of Western Ontario
Management & Strategy

Sandra Daga, Lecturer
University of Toronto-Scarborough
Department of Management

Abdelkader Ben Taieb Daghfous, Associate Professor
American University of Sharjah
Department of Management, Marketing and Public Administration

Jacqueline Dahan, Associate Professor
Universite de Sherbrooke
Department of Management and Human Resources Management

Nicolas Dahan, Assistant Professor
Seton Hall University
Department of Management

Samer Eid Dahiyat, Assistant Professor
University of Jordan
Department of Business Management

Mark Dahlke, Lecturer
University of Nebraska, Kearney
Department of Management

Patricia Dahm, Associate Professor
University of Kansas
Department of Supply Chain Management

Daisy Dai, Assistant Professor
Purdue University
Department of Marketing

Li Dai, Assistant Professor
Loyola Marymount University
Department of Management

Qizhi Dai, Assistant Professor
Drexel University
Department of Management

Ye Dai, Assistant Professor
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Department of Management

Haley Dake, Lecturer
University of Texas at Austin

Joy L. Dakich, Lecturer
University of Missouri - St. Louis
Department of Management and Organizational Behavior

Barbara Dalby, Professor
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
McLane College of Business


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