Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

Jose Cortina, Professor
Virginia Commonwealth University
Department of Management

Emily Corwin, Assistant Professor
Bentley University
Department of Management

Kenneth Cory, Clinical Assistant Professor
University of North Texas
Department of Management

Dana Cosby, Assistant Professor
Western Kentucky University
Department of Management

Anne Cosgrove, Adjunct Professor
New York University
Management Communication

Erica Coslor, Lecturer
University of Melbourne
Department of Management and Marketing

David Cosloy, Adjunct Assistant Professor
New York University
Management Communication

RITA COSSA, Lecturer
McMaster University

Carla Costa, Adjunct Instructor
University of Illinois, Springfield
Department of Management

Ayse I Costello, Professor
Eastern Illinois University
Department of Management

Melinda L. Costello, Professor
Siena College
Department of Management

Thomas Costello, Instructor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sloan School of Management

Nathalie Cotard, Lecturer
Laval University
Department of Management

Deb Cote, Professor
Simmons University
School of Management

Robert Cote, Instructor
Kettering University
School of Management


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