Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

Robert Clary, Adjunct Instructor
University of Illinois, Springfield
Department of Management

Bart Clarysse, Professor
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Department of Management, Technology, and Economics

Vanessa Claus, Adjunct Instructor
University of Illinois, Springfield
Department of Management

Daniel Clausner, Adjunct Instructor
University of Illinois, Springfield
Department of Management

Carma Claw, Assistant Professor
Fort Lewis College
School of Business Administration

Paul F Clay, Associate Professor
Fort Lewis College
School of Business Administration

Arend Clayborn, Lecturer
Washington State University
Department of Management & Operations

Heath Clayton, Adjunct Professor
Southern Methodist University
Management & Organizations

Terry Clayton, Instructor
Western Illinois University
Department of Information Management and Decision Sciences

Richard Cleary, Adjunct Professor
Stevens Institute of Technology
Wesley J. Howe School of Technology Management

Paul Cleaver, Instructor
Vancouver Island University
Department of Management

Gerard W. Cleaves, Assistant Professor
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Department of Management, Marketing, Information Systems and Sciences

Corey M. Cleek, Professor
Vanderbilt University
Owen Graduate School of Management

Marcella Clegg, Professor
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
College of Business & Graduate School of Business Adm.

Stewart Clegg, Professor
University of Technology, Sydney
School of Management


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