Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

Aruna Chandra, Assistant Professor
Indiana State University
Department of Management

Ashish Chandra, Assistant Professor
Illinois State University
Department of Management & Quantitative Methods

Charu Chandra, Professor
University of Michigan, Dearborn
Department of Accounting

Anil Chandrakumara, Senior Lecturer
University of Wollongong
Department of Management

Suresh Chandran, Associate Professor
Drexel University
Department of Management

K. Thomas Chandy, Lecturer
San Jose State University
Organization and Management

Aichih Chang, Assistant Professor
New Jersey Institute of Technology
College of Management

Angela Chang, Associate Professor
Simmons University
School of Management

Artemis Chang, Associate Professor
Queensland University of Technology
School of Management

ChaJan Chang, Professor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Department of Management

Erick Chang, Associate Professor
Arkansas State University
Department of Management & Marketing

Frances Chang, Lecturer
Macquarie University
Department of Business

Melody H. Chang, Assistant Professor
University of Southern California
Department of Management & Organization

Raymond Chang, Lecturer
Yale University
Yale School of Management

Stanley Chang, Associate Professor
Arizona State University, West
School of Management


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