Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

Loretta Breuning, Professor
California State University, Hayward
Department of Management & Finance

Barry Brewer, Assistant Professor
University of Wyoming
Department of Management and Marketing

Julie Brewer, Professor
Tennessee Technological University
Department of Decision Sciences & Management

F. J. Brewerton, Professor
The University of Texas-Pan American
Department of Management, Marketing & International Business

Walter Brey, Instructor
Edgewood College
School of Business

Tom Brice, Adjunct Lecturer
University of Michigan, Flint
School of Management

W. David Brice, Assistant Professor
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Department of Management

William David Brice, Associate Professor
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Department of Management & Marketing

Shelley Brickson , Associate Professor
University of Illinois, Chicago
Department of Managerial Studies

John Bridgers, Lecturer
University of San Diego
Department of Management

Holly Bridges, Adjunct Professor
University of Southern California
Department of Management Communication

Larry Bridgesmith, Adjunct Professor
Vanderbilt University
Owen Graduate School of Management

Kerrie Bridson, Senior Lecturer
Deakin University
School of Management and Marketing

Larry Bridwell, Associate Professor
Pace University

Anthony Brien, Lecturer
Lincoln University Canterbury
Department of Business Management, Law and Marketing


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