Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

Queen Booker, Associate Professor
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Department of Management

Bronwyn Boon, Lecturer
University of Otago
Department of Management

Derrick S. Boone, Associate Professor
Wake Forest University
Bacock Graduate School of Management

Ken Boonme, Assistant Professor
Texas Woman's University
School of Management

B. BOOPALAN, Adjunct Professor
National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli
Department of Management Studies

John C.G. Boot, Professor
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Department of Management Science & Systems

Michael Booth, Adjunct Professor
Queensland University of Technology
School of Management

Tess Booth, Associate Professor
University of Rhode Island
Department of Management Information Systems

Santanu Borah, Professor
University of North Alabama
Department of Management and Marketing

Eser Borak, Professor
Bogazici University
Department of Management

Geoff Borchhardt, Assistant Professor
University of Oregon
Department of Management

Michael Borck, Lecturer
Curtin University of Technology
School of Management

John M. Bordeaux, Assistant Professor
Walsh College of Accountancy and Business Administration
Department of Management

Prashant Bordia, Associate Professor
University of South Australia
School of Management

Prashant Bordia , Professor
Australian National University
School of Management, Marketing and International Business


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