Who's Who in
Business Academia

18982 members found

Nicholas Boccolucci, Visiting Assistant Professor
Empire State College
Department of Management & Human Resource Management

Kristin Bock, Senior Lecturer
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Eugene M. Isenberg School of Management

William N. Bockanic, Professor
John Carroll University
Department of Management, Marketing & Logistics

Kristi Bockorny, Associate Professor
Northern State University
Department of Management and Marketing

Anand Bodapati, Visiting Professor
University of California, San Diego
School of Management

Christoph Bode, Lecturer
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Department of Management, Technology, and Economics

Rachel Sharpe Bodell, Assistant Professor
Azusa Pacific University
School of Business and Management

Corinne Bodeman, Instructor
Northern Michigan University
Department of Management

Muzaffer Bodur, Professor
Bogazici University
Department of Management

Warren J. Boe, Emeritus Professor
University of Iowa
Management Sciences

Dirk Boehe, Lecturer
University of Adelaide
Department of Management and International Business

Tillmann Boehme, Senior Lecturer
University of Wollongong
Department of Management

Jörn Boehnke, Assistant Professor
University of California, Davis
Graduate School of Management

Warren Boeker, Professor
University of Washington
Management and Organization

Craig Boesch
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Department of Management


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