Who's Who in
Business Academia

12855 members found

JN Keyser, Lecturer
University of the Free State
Department of Economics

Christelle Khalaf
University of Wyoming
Department of Economics and Finance

Mohamad Khaled, Lecturer
University of Queensland
School of Economics

Mohammed Khaled, Lecturer
Victoria University of Wellington
School of Economics and Finance

Ahmed A. Khaleel, Assistant Professor
King Abdulaziz University
Department of Economics

Ahmed KHALID, Associate Professor
Bond University
Department of Economics

Alabama A&M University
School of Economics

Usman Khalid, Associate Professor
United Arab Emirates University
Department of Economics

Ahmed Khalifa, Associate Professor
Qatar University
Department of Finance and Economics

Ahmed Ali Khalifa, Assistant Professor
King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals
Departments of Finance & Economics

Sherif Khalifa, Professor
California State University, Fullerton
Department of Economics

NOOR AINI KHALIFAH, Associate Professor
Alabama A&M University
School of Economics

Noor Aini Khalifah, Associate Professor
The National University of Malaysia (UKM)
School of Economics

Elias Khalil, Associate Professor
Monash University
Department of Economics

Elias Khalil, Professor
Monash University
Department of Economics


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