Who's Who in
Business Academia

12855 members found

Naoto JINJI, Professor
Kyoto University
School of Economics

Komain Jiranyakul, Associate Professor
National Institute of Development Administration
School of Development Economics

Benjamas Jirasakuldech, Professor
Slippery Rock University
Department of Accounting, Economics and Finance

Yang Jisheng, Professor
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
School of Economics

Tae-Hee Jo, Associate Professor
Buffalo State College, State University of New York
Department of Economics and Finance

Mark Jobe, Associate Professor
Lipscomb University
College of Business

Earl Jobling, Lecturer
La Trobe University
Department of Economics and Finance

Chintamani Jog, Assistant Professor
University of Central Oklahoma
Department of Economics

Chitra Jogani, Assistant Professor
Trinity College, Hartford Connecticut
Department of Economics

Deepak Joglekar, Assistant Professor
Babson College
Economics Division & Entrepreneurhsip Division

Tulin Johansson, Associate Professor
Lasell College
School of Business

Shireenjit Johl, Professor
Griffith University
Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics

Barbara Heroy John, Lecturer
University of Dayton
Department of Economics & Finance

Emery John T.
The University of Texas-Pan American
Department of Economics & Finance

A Reeves Johnson, Instructor
Loyola University Chicago
Department of Economics


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