Who's Who in
Business Academia

12855 members found

Azmat Ghani, Associate Professor
Sultan Qaboos University
Department of Economics

Judhiana Abd Ghani, Senior Lecturer
Universiti Putra Malaysia

Orkideh Gharehgozli, Assistant Professor
Montclair State University
Economics and Finance

Soroush Ghazi, Assistant Professor
University of Alabama
Department of Economics, Finance and Legal Studies

Abdulla M. Ghazo, Instructor
Yarmouk University
Department of Economics

Arefaine Ghebre-Yohannes, Senior Lecturer
Johns Hopkins University
School of Professional Studies in Business and Education

Ghirmay S. Ghebreyesus, Professor
Southern University and A & M College
Department of Accounting, Finance & Economics

Shankar Ghimire, Assistant Professor
Western Illinois University
Department of Information Management and Decision Sciences

Teame Ghirmay, Associate Professor
Morehead State University
School of Business Administration

Aniruddha Ghosh, Assistant Professor
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Economics Department

Arghya Ghosh, Lecturer
University of New South Wales
School of Economics

DIPAK GHOSH, Professor
Emporia State University
School of Business

Gagan Ghosh, Assistant Professor
California State University, Fullerton
Department of Economics

Indranil Ghosh, Associate Professor
Saint Xavier University
Graham School of Management

Koushik Ghosh, Professor
Central Washington University
Department of Economics


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