Who's Who in
Business Academia

12855 members found

Michael Elgawly, Adjunct Professor
College of New Jersey
School of Business

Nathalie Elgrably, Lecturer
HEC Montréal, école de gestion
Department of Applied Economics

Imad Atef Elhaj, Associate Professor
Sultan Qaboos University
Department of Economics

Mahmoud Elhussini, Assistant Professor
Moravian College
Department of Economics and Business

Marco Elia, Senior Lecturer
Queensland University of Technology
School of Economics and Finance

Carlos Elias, Professor
Manhattan College
Department of Economics & Finance

Carlos G. Elias, Instructor
Fordham University
Department of Business Economics

Jennifer Sobotka Elias, Professor
Radford University

Julio Elias, Assistant Professor
Nichols College
Department of Economics

Uchenna Elike, Professor
Arizona State University

Haja A. Elimam, Lecturer
King Abdulaziz University
Department of Economics

Peter Eliot, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Columbia University
Department Of Finance & Economics

Javier Elizalde, Professor
Universidad de Navarra
Department of Economics

Lynne Elkes, Instructor
Loyola College, Baltimore
Department of Economics

Caroline Elkins, Professor
Harvard University
Department of Business, Government and the International Economy


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