Who's Who in
Business Academia

12855 members found

Steven B. Caudill, Professor Emeritus
Auburn University

Michael Cauvel, Assistant Professor
University of Southern Maine
Department of Economics

Alberto Cavallo, Professor
Harvard University
Department of Business, Government and the International Economy

Richard A. Cavender, Adjunct Professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Department Of Economics and Finance

Jill Caviglia-Harris, Assistant Professor Of Economics
Salisbury University
Economics and Finance

THERESE CAVLOVIC, Distinguished Professor
Weber State University
Department of Economics

Mariela Cavo, Adjunct Professor
Le Moyne College
Department of Economics

Tony Cavoli, Senior Lecturer
University of South Australia
Department of Economics

Nevin Cavusoglu, Assistant Professor
James Madison University
Department of Economics

Michael W. Cawthon, Lecturer
University of Arkansas - Fayetteville
Department of Economics

Richard Cebula, Professor
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Department of Economics

A. Cecen, Professor
Central Michigan University
Department of Economics

Marian Mae Cedeno, Lecturer
University of Texas, San Antonio
Department of Economics

Janet Ceglowski, Professor
Bryn Mawr College
Department of Economics

Bilal Celik, Assistant Professor
University of Arkansas - Fayetteville
Department of Economics


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