Who's Who in
Business Academia

2658 members found

Amy Wisner, Lecturer
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Department of Law, History and Communication

Caitlyn Witt, Visiting Assistant Professor
James Madison University
Department of Finance and Business Law

Michael Witt, Lecturer
University of Michigan, Flint
School of Management

Kerrin Wolf, Assistant Professor
Stockton University
Department of BSNS

Andrew Wolfe, Adjunct Professor
State University of New York at Oswego
Department of Accounting, Finance, and Law

Peter Wong, Professor
RMIT University
School of Accounting and Law

Ann Wood, Senior Lecturer
University of Huddersfield
Huddersfield University Law School

Jon Wood, Assistant Professor
Harding University
College of Business Administration

Erica Woodley, Instructor
Tulane University
Department of Business & Law

J David Woods, Adjunct Professor
Montclair State University
Accounting, Law, and Taxation

Karen Woody, Assistant Professor
Indiana University, Bloomington
Business Law

William M. Woodyard, Assistant Professor
Florida State University
Department of Risk Management/Insurance, Real Estate & Business Law

Ms. Suzann Workman, Professor
Marshall University
Accountancy & Legal Environment

Amy Oakes Wren, Associate Professor
Louisiana State University, Shreveport
Department of Accounting and Business Law

Cadence Wright, Adjunct Professor
Salisbury University
Accounting and Legal Studies


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