Who's Who in
Business Academia

2658 members found

Lawrence Silverman, Adjunct Professor
Montclair State University
Accounting, Law, and Taxation

David Silverstein, Professor
Suffolk University
Department of Business Law

David Sim, Lecturer
University of Otago
Department of Accountancy and Business Law

Yuval Simchi-Levi, Professor
CUNY Bernard M. Baruch College
Department of Law

Nina F. Simon, Adjunct Professor
Georgetown University
Department of Accounting and Business Law

Larry Simons, Lecturer
California State University, Northridge
Department of Business Law

Tan Khong Sin, Senior Lecturer
Multimedia University
Faculty of Business and Law

Veerinderjeet Sing, Professor
Monash University Malaysia
Department of Business Law and Taxation

Jagdeep Singh-Ladhar, Lecturer
University of Auckland
Department of Commercial Law

Sylvia Singleton, Adjunct Lecturer
Bentley University
Departments of Law and Taxation

Tommie W. Singleton, Adjunct Professor
University of North Alabama
Department of Accounting and Business Law

Sri Yogamalar Sinnathamby, Lecturer
Monash University Malaysia
Department of Business Law and Taxation

Hermann Sintim-Aboagye, Professor
Montclair State University
Accounting, Law, and Taxation

Pavithra Siriwardhane, Lecturer
RMIT University
School of Accounting and Law

G. Stacy Sirmans, Professor
Florida State University
Department of Risk Management/Insurance, Real Estate & Business Law


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