Who's Who in
Business Academia

2658 members found

Loren Selznick, Assistant Professor
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Department of Accounting

Elias J. Semaan, Associate Professor
James Madison University
Department of Finance and Business Law

William Semos, Lecturer
Loyola Marymount University
Department of Marketing & Business Law

Anindya Sen, Lecturer
University of Otago
Department of Accountancy & Business Law

P.K. Sen, Professor
University of Cincinnati
Department of Accounting

Suman Sen, Casual Lecturer
Southern Cross University
Faculty of Business, Law and Arts

Amy Sepinwall, Assistant Professor
University of Pennsylvania
Legal Studies

Vanessa S. Septien, Lecturer
University of Miami
Department of Business law

Kean University
School of Criminal Justice & Public Administration

Christopher Serkin, Professor
Vanderbilt University
Owen Graduate School of Management

Andrew Serpell, Lecturer
Monash University
Department of Business Law and Taxation

Peter Sester, Professor
Universitat st Gallen
School of Business

T.J. Sethi, Lecturer
The University of Texas-Pan American
Department of Accounting & Business Law

Destynie Sewell, Assistant Professor
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Department of Finance, Banking and Real Estate

Jessie Seymour, Adjunct Lecturer
Southern Cross University
Faculty of Business, Law and Arts


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