Maryam Safari, Lecturer RMIT University
School of Accounting and Law
Dave Sagar, Lecturer University of Huddersfield
Huddersfield University Law School
Azize Sahin, Assistant Professor Istanbul University
Department of Business Law
Pritish Kumar Sahu, Lecturer Multimedia University
Faculty of Business and Law
Jesus M. Salas, Assistant Professor Lehigh University
Department of Finance & Law
Franklyn P Salimbene, Senior Lecturer Emeritus Bentley University
Departments of Law and Taxation
Michael Salinger, Professor Boston University
Department of Markets, Public Policy, and Law
Shae Salmon, Casual Lecturer Southern Cross University
Faculty of Business, Law and Arts
ELICIA SALZBERG, Lecturer University of British Columbia
Division of Law
Jeffrey Salzer, Adjunct Professor Tulane University
Department of Business & Law
Martha L. Salzman, Lecturer University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Department of Accounting & Law
Michael Samlall, Adjunct Professor Montclair State University
Accounting, Law, and Taxation
Vijay Sampath, Assistant Professor Fairleigh Dickinson University
Department of Accounting, Taxation, Law, Economics, Finance and International Business
Anilkumar K SAMTANI, Associate Professor Nanyang Technological University
Division of Business Law
Sandor E Samuels, Lecturer California State University, Northridge
Department of Business Law