Who's Who in
Business Academia

22099 members found

Musa Essayyad, Professor
McNeese State University
College of Business

Michael Essien, Lecturer
University of Wisconsin, Stout
Department of Business

Jean Essila, Assistant Professor
Northern Michigan University
Department of Management

Yvette Essounga, Professor
Tuskegee University
Andrew F. Brimmer College of Business and Information Science

JAMES ESTEP, Professor
Johnson University
School of Business and Public Leadership

L Esterhuyse, Senior Lecturer
University of South Africa
Department of Financial Intelligence

Kathy Estes, Adjunct Instructor
John Brown University
College of Business

Constança Esteves-Sorenson, Assistant Professor
Yale University
Yale School of Management

Marie-Joelle Estrada, Adjunct Professor
University of Rochester
William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration

Sarah Esveldt, Senior Lecturer
Carroll University
Department of Business, Accounting and Economics

Wael Etaiwi, Assistant Professor
Princess Sumaya University for Technology
Department of Management of Information Systems

Lois Etherington, Professor
Simon Fraser University
Segal Graduate School of Business

David Etkin, Professor
York University
School of Administrative Studies

Chris Etterlee, Lecturer
Augusta University
Department of Finance and Economics

DROR ETZION, Professor
University of Vermont
School of Business Administration


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