Who's Who in
Business Academia

22099 members found

Joseph R. Erba, Professor
University of North Carolina--Greensboro
Department of Business Administration

Orhan Erdem, Visiting Assistant Professor
Rockford University
Department of Economics, Business, and Accounting

Kocaeli University
Faculty of Management

Berrin Erdogan, Assistant Professor
Portland State University
Department Of Management

Homer Erekson, Professor
Texas Christian University
M. J. Neeley School of Business

Bulent Erenay, Assistant Professor
Wilkes University
Sidhu School of Business

University of Florida
Warrington College of Business Administration

CE Eresia-Eke, Professor
University of Pretoria
Department of Business Management

Teri Ergun, Professor
Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
School of Business

Niclas Erhardt, Associate Professor
University of Maine
College of Business, Public Policy and Health

Niclas Erhardt
Valparaiso University
College of Business

David Erickson, Professor
University of Northwestern - St. Paul
School of Business

Dawn Erickson, Associate Lecturer
Curry College
Department of Business Management

John Erickson, Assistant Professor
Western Kentucky University
Gordon Ford College of Business

LynnAnn Erickson, Professor
Utah Valley University
Department of Legal Studies


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