Who's Who in
Business Academia

22099 members found

Clifford Ennico, Professor
University of Bridgeport
School of Business

Nancy Ennis, Professor
Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
School of Business

Augustine Osa Enofe, Instructor
American InterContinental University
Department of Business

Michael Enright, Professor
Northeastern University
International Business and Strategy

Erica Enriquez, Instructor
Dona Ana Community College
Division of Business & Public Services

Harry Entebang, Lecturer
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Faculty of Economics and Business

Abbass Entessari, Professor
Florida Memorial University
School of Business

Leland Entrekin, Associate Professor
Murdoch University
Murdoch Business School

Michael Eppehimer, Adjunct Professor
University of Delaware
Department of Business Administration

Peter E. Eppen, Assistant Professor
Wisconsin Lutheran College
Department of Business Administration

Kenneth Epps, Adjunct Professor
Wake Forest University
Bacock Graduate School of Management

Mercy College
School of Business

Molly Epstein, Assistant Professor
Emory University
Department Of Communications

PD Erasmus, Professor
Stellenbosch University
Department of Business Management

Sanjiv Erat, Assistant Professor
University of California, San Diego
School of Management


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