Who's Who in
Business Academia

22100 members found

Andrew Economopoulos, Professor
Ursinus College
Department of Business and Economics

Wenonah Ecung, Assistant Professor
Our Lady of the Lake University
School of Business and Leadership

Mahammed Kamal Eddeen, Associate Professor
Kuwait University
Department of Quantitative Methods & Information Systems

Ian Eddie, Professor
Southern Cross University
School of Commerce & Management

State University of New York, New Paltz
School of Business

Robert E. Edelson, Assistant Professor
Wilmington College, New Castle Delaware
Division of Business

Myra Edelstein, Associate Professor
Salve Regina University
Department of Business and Economics

Robert Edelstein, Professor
University of California, Berkeley
Department of Real Estate

Roger Stephen Edgar, Adjunct Instructor
University of Missouri--Kansas City
Cookingham Institute of Public Administration

Scott Edgar, Adjunct Instructor
John Brown University
College of Business

Victoria Edgar, Associate Professor
University of Agder
School of Business and Law

ELIZA EDGE, Adjunct Professor
State University of New York, New Paltz
School of Business

Jared Ediger, Adjunct Professor
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Department of Business & Computer Science

Barbara Edington, Professor
Stevens Institute of Technology
Wesley J. Howe School of Technology Management

Nipuna Edirisinghe, Lecturer
University of Southern Queensland
Department of Economics and Resources Management


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