Who's Who in
Business Academia

22100 members found

Arthur Dobrin, Professor
Hofstra University
Department of Management, Entrepreneurship and General Business

David Dobson, Instructor
University College of the Fraser Valley
Department of Business Administration

David Dobson, Visiting Associate Professor
Simon Fraser University
Segal Graduate School of Business

Gregory C. Dobson, Associate Professor
University of Rochester
William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration

John Dobson, Associate Professor Of Finance
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Orfalea College of Business

Claire Dockery
Wake Forest University
Bacock Graduate School of Management

Olga Dodd, Lecturer
Auckland University of Technology
School of Business

Tom Dodds, Assistant Professor
Neumann College
School of Business

Mark Dodgson, Professor
University of Queensland
School of Business

Bajis Dodin, Professor
University of California, Riverside
Department of Finance and Management Science

Fardeen Dodo, Instructor
American University of Nigeria
School of Business & Entrepreneurship -- Department of Business Administration

Angela Doe, Adjunct Instructor
SUNY College of Technology at Canton
School of Business

Erika Doehring, Professor
Simon Fraser University
Segal Graduate School of Business

Irina Doering, Adjunct Instructor
University of Northern British Columbia
School of Business

Torsten Doering, Associate Professor
Daemen College
Department of Accounting


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