Who's Who in
Business Academia

22100 members found

Andrew Devries, Instructor
University of Central Missouri
Department of Aviation

Jim Dewald, Professor
University of Calgary
Haskayne School of Business

Christopher Dewit, Adjunct Professor
Point Park University
Rowland School of Business

Thomas DeWitt, Associate Professor
University of Hawaii, Hilo
Department of Business Administration

Kevin DeWolde, Instructor
University College of the Fraser Valley
Department of Business Administration

Lucas Lautert Dezordi, Professor
Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Parana
Business School

Cristian Dezso, Assistant Professor
University of Maryland, College Park
Logistics, Business & Public Policy

Jeevyn Dhaliwal, Instructor
Capilano University
School of Legal Studies

Gehan S. Dhameeth, Associate Professor
Wells College
Department of Business

Gehan Shanmuganathan Dhameeth, Adjunct Professor
Metropolitan College of New York
School of Business

Ravi Dhar, Professor
Yale University
Yale School of Management

Sanjay K. Dhar, Professor
University of Chicago
Graduate School of Business

Udayan Dhar, Professor
Bucknell University
School of Management

Lasitha Dharmasena, Senior Lecturer
Deakin University
School of Information Systems

Dileep G. Dhavale, Professor Of Accounting
Clark University
Graduate School of Management


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