Who's Who in
Business Academia

22100 members found

Wesley Deng, Lecturer
University of New South Wales
School of Banking & Finance

Xin Deng, Lecturer
University of South Australia
School of Commerce

Earl Denham, Assistant Professor
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
Stafford School of Business

Tom Denigan, Lecturer
Charles Sturt University
School of Business

John L. DeNisco, Emeritus Associate Professor
Buffalo State College, State University of New York
Department of Business

Kathleen H. DeNisco, Lecturer
Buffalo State College, State University of New York
Department of Business

Steven Denk, Lecturer
Namibia University of Science and Technology
Department of Business Management

Dwight Denman, Adjunct Instructor
Eastern Oregon University
College of Business

Christine Dennis, Associate Professor
Flinders University
Flinders Business School

Pat Dennis, Adjunct Professor
Messiah College
Department of Business and leadership

Virginia Denny
University of Louisville
College of Business and Public Administration

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
E. J. Ourso College of Business Administration

CORNELIA DENVIR, Adjunct Professor
State University of New York, New Paltz
School of Business

Harjinder Deol, Assistant Professor
Mount Royal University
Bissett School of Business

Harry Deonarine, Professor
Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
School of Business


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