Who's Who in
Business Academia

22100 members found

Ahmed Deif, Assistant Professor
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Orfalea College of Business

Sherry Deist, Professor
University of Florida
Warrington College of Business Administration

Kimberly DeJarnatt, Adjunct Professor
John Brown University
College of Business

Roy Dejoie, Lecturer
Purdue University
Department of Management Information Systems

Jack DeJong, Associate Professor
Seattle Pacific University
School of Business and Economics

John Dekkers, Professor
Central Queensland University
Faculty of Business & Informatics

Saskia DeKlerk, Lecturer
Australian Defence Force Academy at UNSW
School of Business

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Department of Business

Arlan DeKock, Professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Department Of Information Science and Technology

Peter Del Piano, Adjunct Professor
Nova Southeastern University
School of Business

Kathryn Delahanty, Lecturer
Towson University
Department of e-Business and Technology Management

Gigi Delaney, Adjunct Professor
Johnson County Community College
Department of Fashion Merchandising & Design

Patrick Delarive, Lecturer
Universite De Lausanne
Department of Operations

Natalya Delcoure, Professor
Texas A&M University, Kingsville
College of Business Administration

Nick Delener
Indiana University-East
School of Business & Economics


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