Who's Who in
Business Academia

22100 members found

Lesley Curthoys, Associate Professor
Lakehead University
Department of Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Tourism

Neil Curtis, Adjunct Professor
University of Southern Queensland
Department of Marketing and Tourism

Theodore Curtis, Associate Professor
Lynn University
College of Business and Management

John Cusack, Adjunct Professor
Alfred University
College of Business

Patrick J Cusatis, Assistant Professor Of Finance
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Harrisburg
School of Business Administration

Charles Cushman, Adjunct Lecturer
American University
School of International Service

William Cusick, Professor
Marywood University
Department of Business and Global Innovation

Stephen Custer, Associate Professor
Oakland City University
School of Business

Claudia Custodio, Professor
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
School of Business and Economic

Michael A. Cusumano, Professor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sloan School of Management

Mike Cuthbertson, Lecturer
University of Northern British Columbia
School of Business

Timothy Cwik, Adjunct Professor
Stockton University
School of Business

Leon Cygman, Assistant Professor
Mount Royal University
Bissett School of Business

Sue Cyliax, Assistant Professor
Moravian College
Department of Economics and Business

Ken Cyree, Professor
University of Mississippi
School of Business Administration


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