Who's Who in
Business Academia

22100 members found

Leah Cuadros Vogely, Lecturer
Pratt Institute-Main
Department of Continuing & Professional Studies

Peter Cucchiarelli, Lecturer
University of South Australia
School of Commerce

B. Andrew Cudmore, Assistant Professor
Florida Institute of Technology
College of Business

Carmen Cuevas, Professor
University of Houston, Downtown
College of Business

Michael Cuff, Instructor
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania
Department of Leadership Studies & Military Science

CELESTE CUFFIE, Adjunct Professor
Concordia University-Wisconsin
Batterman School of Business

Brian Cugelman, Instructor
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Department of Business Administration

Victor Cui, Assistant Professor
University of Manitoba
Department Of Business Administration

Yongmei Cui, Professor
Beijing Jiaotong University
School of Economics and Management

Zhenyu Cui, Associate Professor
Stevens Institute of Technology
School of Business

Natalie Cujes, Lecturer
Australian Defence Force Academy at UNSW
School of Business

Maureen Culleeney, Associate Professor
Lewis University
College of Business

Grant Cullen, Lecturer
Murdoch University
Murdoch Business School

JOHN CULLEN, Associate Professor
Mercy College
School of Business

Rodney Cullifer, Assistant Professor
American InterContinental University
Department of Business


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