Who's Who in
Business Academia

22100 members found

Danielle Courtemanche
Fairfield University
The Charles F. Dolan School of Business

Ayanna Courtney- Sammy, Adjunct Assistant Professor
York College
School of Business

Robert J Courtright, Lecturer
Marywood University
Department of Business and Global Innovation

Bari L. Courts, Adjunct Lecturer
Gannon University
School of Business

Jerry Courvisanos, Associate Professor
Federation University
Department of Commerce

Bernie Cousins, Instructor
William Carey University
School of Business

Kristof Coussement, Professor
University of Western Australia
School of Business

Vilma Coutino-Hill, Instructor
Carleton University
Sprott School of Business

Larry Coutts, Instructor
Carleton University
Sprott School of Business

Loren Coutts
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
School of Business

Patricia Cove, Professor
Dalhousie University
Business & Social Sciences

James Covel, Lecturer
California State University, Monterey Bay
College of Business

Bonnie Covelli, Assistant Professor
University of St. Francis
College of Business and Health Administration

Timothy G. Coville, Assistant Professor
St. John's University
The Peter J. Tobin College of Business

David Covington, Adjunct Instructor
University of Mary Washington
College of Business


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