Ed Cottam, Lecturer
Northumbria University
Newcastle Business School
Karen Cotter, Adjunct Lecturer
Caldwell College
School of Business & Computer Science
Trish Cotter, Lecturer
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sloan School of Management
Remy Cottet, Lecturer
University of Sydney
Discipline of Econometrics and Business Statistics
Rick Cotton, Assistant Professor
University of Victoria
Faculty of Business
Pamela S Cottrell, Instructor
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
College of Business
Scott Couchman
Longwood University
College of Business & Economics
THOMAS COUGHLAN, Associate Professor
Mercy College
School of Business
Thomas Coughlan, Professor
University of Bridgeport
School of Business
Diane Coulopoulos, Emeritus Professor
Simmons University
School of Business
Andi Coulter, Assistant Professor
Washington & Lee University
Department of Business Administration
Christine Coulter
Queen's University
School of Business
Keith S. Coulter, Assistant Professor
Clark University
Graduate School of Management
Silvia Coulter, Adjunct Professor
Endicott College
School of Business
Deborah Cours
California State University, Bakersfield
School of Business & Public Administration