Who's Who in
Business Academia

22100 members found

Nathan Clay, Assistant Professor
Toccoa Falls College
Department of Business Administration

Arend Clayborn, Lecturer
Washington State University
Department of Management & Operations

Richard Clayman, Instructor
Carleton University
Sprott School of Business

Seth Clayter
Maine College of Art
Department of Technology

Cindi Clayton, Instructor
University of Southern Indiana
Department of Information Systems & Business Education

Debbie Clayton, Adjunct Professor
Central Queensland University
Faculty of Business & Informatics

Lewis Clayton, Lecturer
University of Southern Queensland
Department of Accounting

Ronnie Clayton, Professor
Jacksonville State University
College of Commerce and Business Administration

Anne Clear, Associate Lecturer
Murdoch University
Murdoch Business School

Christine Cleary, Lecturer
Charles Darwin University
School of Business

Sarah Cleeland Knight, Assistant Professor
American University
School of International Service

Joshua Clemens
Paul Smiths College
Department of Business and Hospitality

Michelle CLEMENT, Instructor
Ohio State University
School of Business

Robin Clement, Professor
University of Oregon
Charles H. Lundquist College of Business

Celia Clement-Skeeling, Adjunct Assistant Professor
York College
School of Business


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