Who's Who in
Business Academia

22100 members found

Sue Ciccotosto, Lecturer
James Cook University
School of Business

Malgorzata Gosia Ciesielska, Associate Professor
Northumbria University
Newcastle Business School

MUSTAFA CIFTCI, Assistant Professor
State University of New York at Binghamton
School of Management

Robert Cimperman, Adjunct Professor
University of Wisconsin, River Falls
College of Business and Economics

Pearce Cinman, Assistant Professor
Baton Rouge Community College
Department of Business

WAYNE CIOFFARI, Emeritus Associate Professor
Mercy College
School of Business

SUNY Maritime College
Department of Global Business and Transportation

Carl Ciovacco, Lecturer
The Catholic University of America
The Busch School of Business and Economics

Michael A. Cipollaro
NAS Recruitment
Crummer School of Business

Lorraine Cipparrone, Professor
Sheridan College
Department of Business

Raffaele Ciriello, Lecturer
University of Sydney
Department of Business Information Systems

Galen Ciscell, Professor
Pacific Lutheran University
School of Business

Magdalena Cismaru, Assistant Professor
University of Regina
Faculty of Business Administration

Oscar E. Cisneros, Adjunct Professor
Texas A&M International University
Department of International Banking and Finance Studies

Sylvia Ciuciura, Professor
Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
School of Business


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