Who's Who in
Business Academia

22100 members found

Michael Chitavi, Assistant Professor
The Citadel
School of Business Administration

George E. Chittenden, Adjunct Professor
Pellissippi State Community College
Department of Business & Computer Technology

University of Vermont
School of Business Administration

Ravi Chitturi, Assistant Professor
Lehigh University
Department of Marketing

William Chitty, Lecturer
Murdoch University
Murdoch Business School

Cecilia Chiu, Associate Lecturer
University of Queensland
School of Business

Tiffany Chiu, Assistant Professor
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Anisfield School of Business

Yu-Hsien Chiu, Instructor
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Department Of Business Administration

Lo May Chiun, Lecturer
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Faculty of Economics and Business

Greg Chiykowski, Instructor
York University
Schulich School Of Business

Donna Chlopak, Adjunct Lecturer
Caldwell College
School of Business & Computer Science

Paul Chludzinski, Professor
University of Bridgeport
School of Business

MARK CHMIEL, Instructor
Mercy College
School of Business

Alan Chmura, Visiting Asst. Professor
University of Wyoming
Department of e.Business

Carol Cho, Adjunct Professor
Point Loma Nazarene University
School of Business


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