Who's Who in
Business Academia

22100 members found

Morgan State University
School of Business and Management

Lee Bogner, Professor
Hofstra University
Department of Business Computer Information and QM

William Bogner, Professor
Georgia State University
School of Business

Svetlana Bogomolova, Lecturer
University of South Australia
School of Commerce

Pete Bogue, Associate Professor
Lincoln University, San Francisco California
Department of Business

Jonathan Bohlmann, Associate Professor
North Carolina State University
Business Management

Stephan Alexander Böhm, Professor
Universitat st Gallen
School of Business

DANIEL BOICE, Adjunct Professor
State University of New York, New Paltz
School of Business

JACLYN BOICHAT, Associate Professor
Johnson & Wales University
School of Business

Kathleen BOIES, Assistant Professor
Concordia University
Department of Management

Philippe Boigey, Professor
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Department of Economic and Administrative Sciences

Tim Boileau, Instructor
University of Detroit Mercy
College of Business Administration

Olivier Boiral, Professor
Laval University
Department of Management

David Boisselle, Adjunct Professor
Regent University
School of Business & Leadership

Paul Boisvert, Adjunct Professor
Roger Williams University
Mario J. Gabelli School of Business


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