Who's Who in
Business Academia

22100 members found

Kirby Boehm, Adjunct Professor
University of Southern Maine
School of Business

Krista Boehnert, Associate Professor
University of Victoria
Faculty of Business

Sebastian Boell, Lecturer
University of Sydney
Department of Business Information Systems

Germain Böer, Professor
Vanderbilt University
Owen Graduate School of Management

Stephanie Boer
Calvin College
Department of Business

Jacobus F. Boers, Professor
Georgia State University
School of Business

Jacques Boettcher, Associate Professor
University of Detroit Mercy
College of Business Administration

Douglas Boettner, Professor
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Department of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs

Anita Boey, Assistant Professor
Wilfrid Laurier University
Department of Management & Organizational Behaviour

Gina Boff, Professor
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Department of Computer Information Science

Cody Bogard, Assistant Professor
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Department of Management, Marketing & General Business

Kirk Bogard, Professor
Miami University of Ohio
Richard T. Farmer School of Business

MICHAEL BOGART, Adjunct Instructor
Mercyhurst College
Department of Business and Competitive Intelligence

Bret Bogenschneider, Assistant Professor
Indiana University-East
School of Business & Economics

Brady Boggs, Adjunct Instructor
Southwestern Assemblies of God University
Department of Business


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