Who's Who in
Business Academia

22100 members found

Margie Bernard, Professor
Saint Xavier University
Graham School of Management

John Bernbom, Instructor
Northeastern Illinois University
College of Business And Management

Ernst R. Berndt, Professor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sloan School of Management

ELLEN M. BERNHARD, Assistant Professor
Georgian Court University
School of Business and Digital Media

Lyne Bernier, Lecturer
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Urban and Tourist Studies

Tawnya Bernsdorf, Instructor
Minot State University
College of Business

Pamela Bernstein
Thomas More College of Liberal Arts
Department of Business

Paul Bernstein, Lecturer
Sonoma State University
 School of Business and Economics

Shai Bernstein, Associate Professor
Harvard University
Department of Entrepreneurial Management

Beth A Berret, Associate Professor
Alvernia College
Department of Business

David Berrington, Professor
British Columbia Institute of Technology
Department of Business Administration

Ruben Berrios, Associate Professor
Lock Haven University
Department of Business and Computer Science

Alison N. Berry, Assistant Professor
West Texas A&M University
Department of Management, Marketing and General Business

Byron Berry, Adjunct Professor
University of North Texas
Department of Business Computer Information System

Charles Berry, Adjunct Professor
Point Park University
Rowland School of Business


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