Who's Who in
Business Academia

22100 members found

George Benwell, Professor
University of Otago
School of Business

George Benwell, Professor
University of Otago
Department of Information Science

Robert Benwick, Instructor
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Department of Business Management

Seth Benzell, Assistant Professor
Chapman University
Argyros School of Business & Economics

Gregory Benzmiller, Lecturer
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
College of Business & Graduate School of Business Adm.

Mirjeta Beqiri, Assistant Professor
Gonzaga University
School of Business Administration

ENOCH K. BERAHO, Professor
South Carolina State University
Department of Business Administration, Agribusiness and Economics

Cambrian College of Applied Arts & Technology
School of Business, Media and Creative Arts

Gerardo Berbeglia, Assistant Professor
Melbourne Business School
School of Business

Aykut Berber, Professor
Istanbul University
Department of Business Management and Organization

Iris Berdrow, Associate Professor
Bentley University
Department of Management

Debbie Berechman
Brandeis University
International Business School

Joseph Berechman, Professor
City College of the City University of New York
Department of Economics and Business

Emil Berendt, Assistant Professor
Mount St. Mary's University
Richard J. Bolte, Sr. School of Business

Rhona Berengut, Instructor
York University
Schulich School Of Business


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