Who's Who in
Business Academia

22099 members found

Richard Beer, Lecturer
University of Southern Queensland
Department of Accounting

Alister Beere, Lecturer
Liverpool John Moores University
Department of Information Strategy

Denise Beeson, Adjunct Professor
Santa Rosa Junior College
Department of Business Administration

Doug Beets, Professor
Wake Forest University
Bacock Graduate School of Management

Rabiul Beg, Senior Lecturer
James Cook University
School of Business

Michael Begg, Instructor
Capilano University
School of Business

John Begley, Adjunct Professor
Johnson County Community College
Department of Business Administration

Din Begovic, Instructor
Carleton University
Sprott School of Business

Vazeerjan Begum, Associate Professor
American University of Ras Al Khaimah
School of Business

Rishi Behari
University of Victoria
Faculty of Business

Suren Behari, Adjunct Lecturer
University of Southern Queensland
Department of Marketing and Tourism

Meera Behera, Assistant Professor
Georgian Court University
School of Business and Digital Media

Joshua Behl, Instructor
Concordia College
School of Business

Robert Behling, Professor
University of St. Francis
College of Business and Health Administration

Michael Behnam
Suffolk University
Sawyer School of Management


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