Who's Who in
Business Academia

22099 members found

Suman Banerjee, Associate Professor
Stevens Institute of Technology
Wesley J. Howe School of Technology Management

Suman Banerjee, Associate Professor
Stevens Institute of Technology
School of Business

Devika Banerji, Assistant Professor
Metropolitan State University of Denver
College of Business

Sanjay Banerji, Professor Emeritus
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
Amrita School of Business (Coimbatore)

Haeun Bang, Assistant Professor
University of North Carolina--Greensboro
Department of International Business Studies

Jim Bang, Associate Professor
Saint Ambrose University
Department of Business Economics

Neven T. Bani Melhem , Instructor
Yarmouk University
Department of Business Administration

Anish Bania, Professor
Douglas College
Department of Business Management

Mubarak Banisakher, Associate Professor
Saint Leo University
College of Business

MARK W. BANKERT, Assistant Professor
Malone University
School of Business & Leadership

Julius Bankole, Instructor
University of Northern British Columbia
School of Business

Melissa Bankroff, Professor
Michigan State University
The School of Hospitality Business

Alyssa Banks
Elizabeth City State University
Walter R. Davis School of Business and Economics

Beth Banks, Lecturer
Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology
Department of Business

McRae Banks
University of North Carolina--Greensboro
Bryan School of Business & Economics


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